Daily Habits of Succes

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“The secret to success and failure is what you do daily.” I learned this life-changing lesson while reading The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen. In this powerful book, Jeff Olsen explains how daily disciplines (done consistently) are the key to success in life. It’s the little steps compounded that make a difference, not quantum leaps.

Although we are a results-focused world, simply shifting your focus to the activity/task at hand will have a positive impact on your results.

Here are the 7 Slight Edge Principals that are taught in the book and should be implemented in your daily life.

  1. Show Up.
  2. Be Consistent.
  3. Maintain a positive attitude.
  4. Stay committed. A farmer waits a whole season to reap their harvest. So should you!
  5. Have faith and a burning desire.
  6. Be willing to pay the price.
  7. Practice slight edge integrity. Real integrity is what you do when people aren’t looking.


Take action today! Implement one Slight Edge principal daily for a week until you’ve implemented all of them.

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