The Righteous Resilience™ process was developed out of Tami’s personal experience of living with and working through tremendous challenges in all aspects of her life.

Sometimes the hits came together, sometimes alone but they all tried to take her out. She’s still standing because she decided to be as the willow – springing back from adversity stronger than before. Tami will teach you how to do the same.

Tami put together a simple but comprehensive set of talks, training, downloads and workshops to teach you Righteous Resilience™ skills you’ll need to face your challenges from a position of power. Tami’s 7-step process gives you the tools you need to overcome hardship, reassess challenges and strengthen your inner self.


01. Radar Reset

We all have a radar that we follow like the North Star. It clouds our judgement often because it set us back into the same patterns. In this stage we look at resetting our radar by developing self-awareness, self-regulation and overall expectations. Basically, every challenge has one thing in common – you.

02. R.E.A.L Reality

We will teach you how to look at your situation as it is. Not better than it is or worse than it is. Just as it is right now. We’ll take a look at your strengths and how they can help you grow through your challenge – not just grow through it. We’ll also talk about your goals. After all, you won’t be in this place forever.

03. Raw Emotions

We all have a radar that we follow like the North Star. It clouds our judgement often because it set us back into the same patterns. In this stage we look at resetting our radar by developing self-awareness, self-regulation and overall expectations. Basically, every challenge has one thing in common – you.

04. Become Resilient

This is where we put it to the test. We’ll teach you the Righteous Resilience process which includes amping up your problem-solving skills, cultivating gratitude and avoiding old ways of thinking.

05. Rituals & Relationships

Old habits die hard. I know that personally. We’re going to weed your relationship garden to get rid of relationships that don’t serve you. We’ll help make you a master communicator, so your relationships are stronger. We’ll even talking about dating after divorce and after 40 years old.

06. Reinforce Your Resilience

How do you sustain all the great progress you’ve made? You stay the course with us. We’ll help you manage people’s reactions to your “new stronger you”. We’ll help you stay resilient.

07. Rinse & Repeat

Even when you move through this challenge, there’ll be another right behind it. Life is made to give you hits. Resilience is about getting up every time life knocks you down. We’ll give you the tools to move through every challenge from a place of strength.

Our Righteous Resilience™ Courses are Organized Around Four Pillars:




Building On Strengths

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