“We never know how much power we have within us until we’ve gone through something, that before, we could never conceive of getting through.”

– Tami Gaines

About Tami

You might say the turning point of my life was the day that I went from a corporate boardroom to a hospital room and the 5 months that completely changed my life.

I was married and already the mom of two kids, when I happily discovered that I was pregnant with twins. That joyful surprise was followed by a shocking ultimatum: my husband said I had to choose between him or the twins. It wasn’t hard to leave my husband, but what followed was a nightmare. I was suddenly single, in a horrible divorce, and ended up hospitalized for 5 weeks before giving birth to extremely premature twins with serious medical issues. In the middle of all of that, I had to put my 14-year old dog to sleep!

Out of this chaos, I learned that our will is a renewable resource and with the right mindset, you can find the light in every dark moment. I also found my way to my life’s purpose — use storytelling and humor to help women combat powerlessness and hopelessness.

My life is my classroom and I use my own experiences to show women how to restore their power no matter what challenge they’re facing. I developed the Relentless Resilience process to help women grow through their challenges, not just go through them. After all, “strong” is the new “cute”.

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I love to contribute to publications, channels and blogs that are committed to building resilience and empowering women!

I’ve been a featured speaker or contributor to dozens of mainstream media outlets with a focus on personal development, entrepreneurial topics, parenting and mindset training. These include The New York Daily News, NPR and The Wall Street Journal.

If you feel like your brand, project or business is aligned to our mission, let’s create something powerful together that changes lives! I’m honored to support you through:

The beauty of collaboration is that you never know where the first conversation will lead. Let’s see!

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